Memories of Quanran-Spring

Besides from shooting portraits, I absolutely love nature photography- it’s where my love from photography really came from. There’s no feeling quite like it- to be outdoors in nature by myself, taking in all the beauty surrounding me, and capturing the little details that we often look past. When I’m out with my camera, I feel like I see the world so much clearer, and notice so much more around me- it’s really quite an incredible experience.

These photographs were taken back in March 2020, when the Covid pandemic first hit Europe. There was so much stress and anxiety during that time, and I had decided to fly to Switzerland from England to be with my Swiss family right before all the borders were closed off. Despite the initial panic, the first weeks of quarantine were actually strangely calm. I felt extremely lucky to know that all my family and friends were okay, despite being split across the world. Therefore, I could really take the time to enjoy some peaceful days, where I tried not to worry too much. So walks in nature became an essential part of my daily routine. It was the most beautiful time of the year- spring has officially sprung, and I don’t think I have ever appreciated the magic of nature as fully as I did then. I watched new leaves bud every single day, I watched the trees grow fuller and the forests turn greener, I watched new blossoms bloom, creating an explosion of new colors, I watched the sun brush golden paint across the fields, and I watched the bees staying busier than ever and baby foxes coming out to play. Watching all of that and capturing the magic unfold in front of my eyes truly helped me get through an uncertain time and find some inner peace.

Location: Switzerland

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